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Lyric Search for artist 'Strokes' - 22 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'strokes'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

1251 from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
Alone Together from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Automatic Stop from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
Barely Legal from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Between Love And Hate from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
Hard To Explain from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
I Cant Win from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
Is This It from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Last Nite from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Meet Me In The Bathroom from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
New York City Cops from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Reptilia from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
Soma from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Someday from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Take It Or Leave It from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
The End Has No End from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
The Modern Age from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
The Way It Is from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
Trying Your Luck from album 'Is This It' by 'Strokes The'
Under Control from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
What Ever Happened from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'
You Talk Way Too Much from album 'Room On Fire' by 'Strokes The'

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
